MILUV Dataset

Introducing MILUV, the first multi-robot dataset with ultra-wideband (UWB) measurements and vision data. This dataset features

  • Pose data
    • On-board inertial measurement unit (IMU) data
    • Camera IMU data from Intel RealSense d435i
    • Height measurements from an onboard downward-facing laser rangefinder
    • Ground truth pose data from motion capture system
  • UWB data from Decawave DWM1000
    • Range measurements
    • Passive listening measurements
    • Channel impulse response (CIR) data
    • Low-level data (raw ROS timestamps, received signal power)
  • Vision data with AprilTag as features
    • Downward-facing camera measurements
    • Monocular and colour forward-facing camera measurements from onboard camera
    • Stereo and infrared forward-facing camera measurements from RealSense d435i
  • Magnetometer data

MILUV Devkit

MILUV is accompanied by a Python devkit to facilitate the development of applications that make use of the dataset. This devkit features

  • Parsing and data loading scripts
  • Three localization benchmarks with which users can compare their localization algorithms
    • $SE(3)$ extended Kalman filter
    • $SE_{2}(3)$ extended Kalman filter
    • Visual inertial odometry using VINS-Fusion
  • Examples of alternative uses for the dataset
    • Line-of-sight/non line-of-sight classification from CIR data
    • AprilTag detection from camera measurements

The repository is available here, and the directory structure of the repository is as follows:

├── config
│   ├── apriltags    (AprilTag positions)
│   ├── height       (Height bias)
│   ├── imu          (Camera IMU and PX4 IMU calibration files from the allan_variance_ros package)
│   ├── realsense    (Camera calibration files from Kalibr)
│   ├── setup        (The files provided by Vicon mocap system for apriltags and UWB anchors)
│   ├── uwb          (Anchor and tag position files and UWB calibration results)
│   ├── vins         (VINS-Fusion configuration files)
├── data             (this is where the dataset should be downloaded)
├── examples         (Example scripts on how to use the devkit)
├── launch           (ROS launch files)
├── miluv            (The devkit with the data loading and utility scripts)
├── paper            (Scripts used to produce the results in the paper)
├── preprocess       (Scripts used to preprocess the raw data into the dataset format)
├── tests            (Unit tests)
├── uwb_ros          (ROS package with msg files for UWB data)

To get started with the MILUV dataset, follow the instructions in the Getting Started page.